Akaso Jewelry 2 u

Friday, July 2, 2010

星座 : 水瓶座/ Aquarius (21 Jan~18 Feb)

饰品名称:/ 颜色/尺寸:
1           粉晶/粉红/8mm切面圆铢
2          石榴//3 x 5mm

1          粉晶 又名芙蓉晶、蔷薇水晶、玫瑰晶、爱情石,主开发心轮、可松弛紧张的情绪。舒缓烦燥心情,使心 胸阔! 可增强个人的气场里的粉红光,增加了周围异性对妳的吸引力,对于感情运会特别助,是促进情感亲密的爱情宝石,缔结美好姻缘!

*五行属性 :

1      红石榴助于改善血液循环、增进活力,加强再生能力有助于改善生殖系统功能,改善妇科毛病.

*五行属性 : 湿木
*星座 : 水瓶座(21 Jan~18 Feb)

Powderandred garnetbracelet with a transparent and bright winter jasmine
Jewelry Length:17cm
OrnamentName: / color/size:
1           powder/pink/ 8mmround baht section
2          pomegranate/red/ 3 x 5mm

Spiritual functions:
A          powdercrystallinepowder also known as Lotus crystal, rose crystal, rose crystal, love stone,the main development of the heart chakra, can relax the tension. Relieve irritable mood, so heart chest width! Enhance the individual gas field in the pink light, an increase of around the opposite sex on your appeal, special assistant for the feelings of the Games is to promote the emotional intimacy of love, precious stones, the conclusion of a good marriage!

*five elements :fire

    Prices ; BR 34 - RM 180.00

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