Akaso Jewelry 2 u

Friday, July 2, 2010


饰品长度 19mm
饰品名称:/ 颜色/尺寸:
1.        /黄,青/手雕
1.        玉有聚财及长寿作用,带有繁荣兴盛的能量,也能防止意外或不幸事件发生。 具有强大的避邪化煞能力。 玉具备着五大美德:博爱,谦虚,英勇,公正及智慧。

                   *五行属性 : 

Yu-Morning GloryBracelet
Jewelry Length :19mm
OrnamentName: / color/size:
1.        jade/yellow, blue/Hand carved
Spiritual functions:
1.        jade hasthe role of accumulated wealth and longevity, with the energy of prosperity, but also to prevent accidents or unfortunate incidents. Melt the ghost has a strong ability to ward off evil. Jade has a five virtues: humanity, humility, bravery, justice and wisdom.

                   *five elements : water,

   Prices: BR-14  RM 230.00

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