Akaso Jewelry 2 u

Friday, July 2, 2010


饰品名称:/ 颜色/尺寸:
1           白水晶//6mm方铢 & 手雕玫瑰
2           黑胆石//4mm切面圆铢

1.        白水晶可助气、助专心、增记忆并用以养身、养气,其振动频率非常高,可提高灵性,使精神轻松愉快、减少气浮、使身体健康;能净化四周负性能量,如化解辐射 线及震荡波等。

*五行属性 : 金或全面

2.     黑胆石有助诗人持平,稳重的宝石。又能集中记忆力。还能消除恐惧的心态。又能化解“蛊”或黑巫术。

White crystals and black stonesbracelet catch the seven beautiful and elegant white Crystal Rose
Jewelry Length18cm
OrnamentName: / color/size:
A           white crystal/transparent/ 6mmsquare baht & hand-carved Rose
2           black stones/black/ 4mmround baht section

Spiritual functions:        
1.        White crystal can help gas, help to concentrate, increase memory and used-cultivation, the raising of gas, the vibration frequency is very high, can improve the spiritual, so that the spirit of relaxed and happy, to reduce air flotation, to stay healthy; to clean around the negative energy such as to resolve radiation line and Sasser, etc..

*Five attributes : gold or comprehensive

2.     black stones will help poets flat, stable gem. Can focus on memory. Can eliminate fear mentality. Can resolve the "insanity" or black magic.

    Prices ; BR 35 - RM 260.00

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